The many faces of Superman: Who will be cast as the next Man of Steel?
For a character who can jump tall buildings with a single bound, Hollywood has had very little luck in getting a new Superman movie off the ground. Casting the worlds most well-known superhero has proven especially difficult, and has already led one director, Brett Ratner, to withdraw from the project in favor of making a second Rush Hour sequel. (Who thought there needed to be a first sequel, anyway?)
It really will be tough to beat Christopher Reeves performance in the 1970s Superman films; he had a knack for both the larger-than-life heroism of the guy in the cape and the clumsy dorkiness of the Clark Kent alter ego. If we could choose any actor in history, wed go with Gregory Peck he had the physique, the hair, and he even looked like Clark Kent when he wore glasses. Most importantly, Pecks persona epitomized in the classic To Kill a Mockingbird carries the moral weight that a proper Superman needs. Who better to play the Kryptonian do-gooder than Atticus Finch? Cary Grant would also have been excellent, and considering his turn as the nebbishy professor in Bringing Up Baby, would have made a very funny Kent.
The rumors and gossip about who might play Superman and who wont have been flying faster than speeding bullets. The most recent news suggests that producers are thinking of casting a relative unknown a strategy that worked well for Hugh Jackman in X-Men and Elijah Wood in Lord of the Rings but nothing is set in stone, or steel, for that matter. Heres a quick rundown of some of the actors whove been suggested as possible Men of Steel.
Originally published June 25, 2004 on Read the complete article.