Reviews, interviews, trivia quizzes, and other writing about movies and TV.

A beginner’s guide to Doctor Who (1963-2010)
A thorough and (at the time of writing) complete primer on the venerable sci-fi TV series, which kicked off my long-running column writing about classic-era Who. For more of my writing about the series, go to my Doctor Who page.

From Godzilla to Audition, a roundup of truly terrifying chillers from the other side of the Pacific.
A career-spanning talk with the master of stop-motion animation, who gave us Clash of the Titans and Jason and the Argonauts.
Other articles:
• With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound: 11 great movies about giant monsters
• Nine to tingle your spine: Slasher films that are a cut above the rest
• Buried treasure: 12 pirate flicks to dig up
• The lands before time: 11 great movies about prehistory
Movie quizzes:

How much do you know about Hellboy?
Test your knowledge of Mike Mignola’s superpowered good-guy demon in this quiz originally published in advance of Hellboy II: The Golden Army.

How much do you know about Land of the Lost?
Quiz yourself about the 1970s TV show about a family lost in a strange otherworldly dimension, menaced by Sleestaks and dinosaurs.

How much do you know about Star Trek: The Original Series?
Get your tricorder and test yourself on the lore of Kirk and Spock, in this quiz originally published in advance of the 2009 Star Trek movie.
More quizzes:
• Horror movies
• Heist movies
• The Simpsons
• Batman
• Clerks